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Overview of the emulator (from the README)
You can compare the accuracy of the results produced by the emulator
for the following functions:
There are bugs in various versions of the emulator.
Information about some of the kernels is available here:
Select a kernel version from this list:
Back-porting the emulator
An attempt has been made in later versions of the emulator
to make it easier to port.
The latest version of the emulator has been ported to some
earlier kernels. You can get *.tar.gz files of the
ported emulator from this list:
glibc and the emulator
If the glibc-2.2.4 (and possibly other versions) build tests are run on
a machine using the emulator then errors will be reported.
This is currently being investigated. However, it is known
that the design of at least two of the tests have problems:
- The correct value for cosl(2/3 pi) is
-0xf.fffffffffffffff00000p-5, not -0x8.00000000000000000000p-4
as required by the glibc test.
- The value required by glibc for sinhl (0x8p-32) is the correct
one, but the glibc sinhl code will only produce this value if the
f2xm1 instruction produces a result with a one ulp error.
The emulator f2xm1 code does not produce this error and consequently
causes sinhl return a result with a 1 ulp error.
Test Code
A package of tests is available for the emulator
which should aid programmers who wish to port the
emulator. Click on the following to download it: